Still image out of testimonial from Didi


Manager - Propertyscouts Whangarei


Jaki GT, the lady, The LEGEND:

Let Jaki help you re-discover your inner awesome, you deserve it!
My life was spiralling out of control, I was trying to do a million things at once and not succeeding.
I’d lost myself, I was some form of robot that was on auto pilot, rushing from one job to the next. I’d
forgotten how to feel. I’d lost sight of who I was and what was important to me. I was so busy with
life, including 25 hours a week + working hours, home chores, winter sports, lunch boxes, dinners,
full time study, major surgery to mention a few and no partner or family support.
I’m a Mummy to two beauties, my priority! But I was resenting it as I never got to have fun with
them, it was always hard work, my kids were just an extra chore, more mess, more stress etc.
I felt like I was banging my head against the brick wall of life. My anxiety was through the roof, my
husband walked out of his job and my place of work was going through a major staffing restructure,
so I needed some direction, guidance and reassurance.

Queue: My Epic Evolution with Jaki GT.
Through this course Jaki has taken me though all aspects of my life, I’ve revisited past situations and
learnt to heal trauma. I’ve learnt to recognise what has shaped my beliefs and if they no longer serve
me to discard them and replace them with something positive. I’ve identified my core values so that
I can understand what’s important to me and help me with the direction I wish to travel. I’ve dealt
with things that trigger me. I’ve learnt to form anchors when I require confidence or calm in my life.
I’ve learnt to not be the victim and see things from every angle and point of view. I’ve learnt to
remain calm and positive during a very stressful situation. I’ve ultimately learnt to be my own epic
and awesome self again.

I made a ground-breaking discovery that I am in charge of myself, my reactions and my time! I’ve
learnt to delegate, procrastinate much less, and manage my time more efficiently. I now enjoy my
life, and have so much fun doing the things I love as well as working hard.
If any of this resonates with you I sincerely suggest trying your own ‘Epic Evolution’ with Jaki. She is
incredibly talented, lots of fun, skilled, professional, with some pretty impressive qualifications to
provide you with this amazing package. The NLP Training has really helped me to train my brain to
be more positive and grateful. The one-on-one sessions were incredible and I felt extremely
comfortable knowing that everything we discussed was confidential.
I would not hesitate to recommend this course to anyone, it actually has changed my life and I feel
incredibly pleased with my decision to do it. The course is excellent value for money, packed with
extremely valuable content and it is ultimately life changing.
Thank you Jaki, you ROCK!

Lynne Render

Jaki is wonderful to deal with, plain talking and full of ideas and techniques to develop yourself and your business. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her care is genuine.


I absolutely will be sharing my experience with others! Practical ways to use in your life. Be ready for positive change in your life. Useful for personal and professional life!”

Sue Hoyle

I was lucky enough to have a session with Jaki and I can’t thank her enough for her expertise. I was struggling with an immense amount of guilt around my son’s mental health issues, and after an hour-long session with Jaki I cannot believe the sense of peace I now have. Jaki is incredibly empathicx, and knows how to get ot the root of your issues without telling you. The NLP techniques that she used with me were so simple and yet powerfully effective. Don’t wait another minute. Book a session with Jaki!


“The Epic Evolution program equipped me with the tools to master my thinning and my time. I now have more confidence to reach my goals and create the life I want.”

Paulette Scrooby

Jaki did some team building with us at Cancer Society Northland. Great Trainer! Empathetic, funny and effective. Highly recommend her.


Do it! Allow yourself to improve your knowledge to better yourself! -


Jaki is an energetic and motivating speaker and is thoroughly inspiring. I sat there with the biggest grin on my face as I just loved her presentation and knew she wasn’t going to be a disappointment (had the pleasure of listening to a presentation with her a few years ago). I need your enthusiasm and your passion in my life! I have talked to [my line manager] to see how we can incorporate you into our PD/training budget!!!


Let Jaki help you re-discover your inner awesome, you deserve it!

My life was spiralling out of control, I was trying to do a million things at once and not succeeding.
I’d lost myself, I was some form of robot that was on auto pilot, rushing from one job to the next. I’d lost sight of who I was and what was important to me. If any of this resonates with you I sincerely suggest trying your own ‘Epic Evolution’ with Jaki. She is incredibly talented, lots of fun, skilled, professional, with some pretty impressive qualifications to provide you with this amazing package.

The NLP Training has really helped me to train my brain to be more positive and grateful. The one-on-one sessions were incredible and I would not hesitate to recommend this course to anyone, it actually has changed my life and I feel incredibly pleased with my decision to do it.
The course is excellent value for money, packed with extremely valuable content and it is ultimately life changing.

Thank you Jaki, you ROCK! - Natalie


Jaki has such an energy about her that it makes it really easy to take on board her wealth of knowledge. I also appreciate that Jaki will not shy away from challenging any unhelpful thought patterns that you have.

If you want to understand and realign your thought patterns in a fun and supportive way give Jaki a call today


Jaki GT worked with me on a trauma release exercise recently and I cannot thank Jaki enough! Her technique has moved a traumatic experience that happened years ago from the everyday forefront of my mind to something that is quite simply not there anymore!
Thank you so much Jaki, you have changed my life.

Lucy Samu

Tokotoko Solutions

We initially sought out Jaki GT from My Epic Evolution to deliver a training session to our staff on NLP. The feedback from staff about the NLP training was very positive. Following the unanimous, positive feedback we engaged Jaki GT to conduct regular professional supervision & personal development sessions for our staff, one-to-one. Finding someone to work with our team, who understands our values and kaupapa here is not always an easy task so having Jaki so easily understand and relate to our values as an organisation has been invaluable. She has been incredibly flexible, she is passionate and has a can-do approach, making her service in our opinion a cut above the rest. Jaki has delivered tailored supervision sessions to all of our staff now and once again the feedback received has been overwhelmingly positive. I have noticed a lift in our staff morale and have had reports that our staff have gained new practical strategies that have been implemented in their everyday practice. Overall, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend My Epic Evolution to other organisations who are looking for someone to add value to their workplace.

Stephanie Harris

She Paints & Co Ltd

We were so impressed with the speed and delivery of her service. Well worth the money for the information gained. We would highly recommend people use Jaki's HR service as it is money well spent and will continue to use her services in the future.
Thanks so much again!


Jaki is great! I came away feeling confident and determined to achieve the goals I have set for myself. Would highly recommend!!


“I have known Jaki for several years now - she was instrumental in delivering a very successful internal development programme with our key staff some years back.

Jaki is one of the best communicator’s I have ever had the privilege to meet and know. Her energy is positive, sometimes electrifying, her listening skills second to none!

I joined the Epic Journey recently, as I found myself somewhat lost, even “down in the dumps” after 2 + years of Covid and major delays in several projects both personal and business related.

I am pleased to share that I am finding myself again, I have increased energy, more enthusiasm for life … for the potential I see in my future … AND I am just so much happier!!!!!

Your cup can be half empty or half full ….
it is about our perspective/ perception …

LOVE IT when it overflows …..
Be kind to yourself, nurture yourself, forgive yourself, challenge yourself …..

This journey is simply “Epically Epic”


I joined Jaki‘s epic keys for success program and can honestly say that Jacki is a positive enthusiastic and passionate educator of NLP and her course not only helped me clarify the direction I wished to head, having felt stuck for sometime, it also allowed me to set clear goals, and helped me better understand myself as well as those around me.

The learnings from Jaki‘s epic keys program have resulted in me fundamentally reviewing the direction I wish to take my professional life and Jaki’s enthusiasm, positivity, warmth and willingness to help answer questions, answer texts at random hours of the day and belief in those that she works with is humbling and I’m truly grateful for having had the opportunity to work with her.

Samantha Jane

Designer and Interactive Accommodation Host - Black Sheep Retreat

My name is Sam. I’m a Graphic Designer turned Interactive Accomodation host.
I came to the “Epic Keys to Success” NLP training with Jaki GT because I wanted to improve my relationship and communication skills with friends and family, in social settings and in business. I also decided to train with Jaki so I could help others to heal from past trauma and difficult life experiences like she does. I want to help build peoples confidence to a point where they can deal with future high conflict situations without fear or doubt. I want to help people find their true calling/purpose and take action to achieve big life goals.

The training more than met my expectations and I’ve been using the techniques learnt ever since, to build rapport with others and to understand people and myself on a deeper level than I have before.

I enjoyed the “Epic Keys to Success” training so much, I decided to continue with the NLP Practitioner Certification (IANLP). I’m so grateful to get the opportunity to work towards an internationally recognized Certification right here in Whangārei.

Jaki was amazing. So inspiring! I looooved the stories shared which really resonated with me and my own journey. I highly recommend this training to anyone seeking to heal from trauma, build on their relationships (rapport) with others and/or create successful team environments in business.


“Jaki, for me, you were the Queen of facilitating transformative, life-changing learning experiences, you started my healing and growth”


“Jaki is so energetic and extremely generous with her knowledge and experience. Here ability to be vulnerable made it so much easier for me to drop my guard and receive the benefit of working together. Jaki delivers immediate results through her use of NLP processes, and infuses such a cheerful vibe to everyone around her”


“I have recently completed Jaki’s 10 week Epic Me course which has changed my life. I was living in fight or flight mode for a long period of time witho ut realising. Jaki showed me the tools I needed to recognise how to live and love my epic life & I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity of being coached by her.” - R.I.
‘ I don't think you realise how much of an impact your programme has had on me (even though I am techincally only on week 3. The last 2 years I've pretty much been in a deep state of depression- have been to psychotherapy, been on every anti anxiety meds you can think of, and you're the only thing that has made any impact on me and I realllly appreciate it, I appreciate you! ‘

Gabriela Weber

Artist - Gabrielas Art Paradise

I have been following Jaki's "NLP" and "Believing & Achieving as an Artist" workshops.

The workshops were an absolute joy to follow. Jaki is a great enthusiastic coach and I learned so much in a short time. She gave us easy and effective strategies to address negative thoughts and our inner critic. As well we had fun to "dream" and later pin down goals for the future.

I definitely got heaps of "oompf" out from the workshops and I am very motivated to practice some mental tools and follow up goals in the future.

Thanks Jaki for the great experience!


I have been able to take a step back and see where I want to grow. My mind has been blown with all the activities!

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