Still image out of testimonial from Jaime López-Chicheri Mirecki, Chino & Max
Animated image out of testimonial from Jaime López-Chicheri Mirecki, Chino & Max

Jaime López-Chicheri Mirecki, Chino & Max

Photo of Annemiek Keur

Annemiek Keur

When my beloved cat Mercury disappeared Paulina connected with her and supported her on her journey back home. Paulina also gave me valuable information about the reasons for Mercury’s absence. This helped me to find peace in the situation and trust Mercury would come back home, which she did 10 days later.
Thank you Paulina for your support and for being such a wonderful person. XX

Photo of Felix & Baxter

Felix & Baxter

Before working with Paulina, I was at my wit's end. Baxter, my Golden Retriever, had developed this constant barking habit that had disrupted our household peace. Paulina's Intuitive Animal Communication sessions not only helped me understand the root cause but also guided me with actionable steps to address it. Now, our home is filled with laughter and joyous barks. I can't thank her enough for bridging the gap between Baxter and me.

Still image out of testimonial from Cuca & Negrita
Animated image out of testimonial from Cuca & Negrita

Cuca & Negrita

Photo of Sophie & Willow

Sophie & Willow

When I adopted Willow, a shy Border Collie, I knew we had a journey of trust-building ahead of us. She was constantly anxious, especially around guests, making social gatherings a challenge. Turning to Paulina was the best decision I made. Through her intuitive insights, I learned about Willow's past experiences and her need for a safe space. With Paulina's guidance, we've created an environment where Willow feels secure and loved!


My dog had a wonderful transformation just after one session with Paulina. She is incredible with her communication and commitment to the animals and pet owners. I would highly recommend her services.

Photo of Nathalie & Goethe

Nathalie & Goethe

Paulina worked with our dog, Goethe, who was constantly barking at our neighbors and other people passing our property. Through this Intuitive connection, we got to the core of the problem. Paulina discovered that as a puppy, Goethe was abandoned, which made him distrustful of people. Now he's the friendliest, most peaceful dog on our street, and he only barks when he's hungry! It is a huge relief for me and my neighbors. I appreciate your magic, Paulina!

Photo of Mia & Luna

Mia & Luna

Luna, my rescue dog, had always been anxious, especially during our outdoor adventures. I often wondered if she felt left out or scared among other pets. Paulina's insights unveiled Luna's past experiences, which made her wary of other animals. Following the actionable recommendations provided, Luna and I have now conquered many parks, and she plays freely without any inhibitions. I'm so grateful to Paulina for helping us create these cherished moments.

Carlos Omaña

I loved your free e-book. It helped me realize that dogs are our mirrors, and I began thinking about it and it made a lot of sense.

My main issue with one of my two dogs, is that she's very insecure and she reacted to other dogs in the streets, and pulled, barked and trying to lunge at the other dogs, I guess to attack.

Thanks to the book and one of the examples in the book, I realized she might be reacting because of my own reaction. Every time I saw a person with a dog, I got to think instantly, "Damn! Why is this person walking his dog right now, here, where I'm walking too?" And got annoyed at the sight of any person with a dog going through the same street I was walking on. I realized, I was being territorial! And all of my energy was negative, annoyed, angry towards other people. No wonder my dog reacted, she was mirroring my own territorial behavior.

Ever since I was aware of this I try to change my mindset towards other people and I mentally thank them for being kind enough to care for a doggy and thank them mentally. My dog's behavior has changed a lot! It's still not perfect but I realize now, I have to work on myself and not just believe the dog has a random problem.

Thank you very much!

Photo of Alex & Suzie

Alex & Suzie

It was such a pleasure working with Paulina. She was so kind and was able to talk to my cat and get to the root of some behavioral issues we were experiencing. When my husband was away, my cat, Suzie, was constantly under extreme stress and meowing. Suzie is free of anxiety and fear after just one session with Paulina. I am so grateful for her and her talents. It was an unforgettable experience.

Photo of Nathan & Olive

Nathan & Olive

The sudden death of our other cat, Jasper, left Olive depressed and me heartbroken. Every night, Olive would gaze distantly, and I'd often find myself wishing for a sign from Jasper. Paulina's session was transformative. Not only did I receive messages from Jasper, assuring his well-being, but I also got insights into Olive's emotions. Today, Olive and I share a bond that's comforting, understanding each other's grief and healing together.

Photo of Anna & Paco

Anna & Paco

With Paulina's help, I can finally relax while walking Paco. I contacted Paulina because Paco was barking and attacking other dogs whenever I took him for a walk. I was terrified and upset about his behavior, and I tried different things before, but nothing helped. Paulina is amazing. Thank you so much!

Photo of Lucas


Owning a ranch, Thunder has been my trusted steed for years. But after a recent accident, he became skittish and reluctant to be ridden. I was devastated, thinking I might lose my riding companion. That's when I turned to Paulina. Through her intuitive communication, I learned of Thunder's fears and hesitations. With her guidance, I was able to reassure him and rebuild our bond. We now ride together, galloping freely, with a renewed trust.

Photo of Cindy


Paulina has been working with both of my 10+ years old cats Gato and Tigre. I can't be grateful enough to see all the positive changes in their life and obviously in mine too.

Tigre had some health issues, a lot of pain in his body and was very low energy. I actually didn't have to say anything to Paulina, she was able to connect with him and feel all of it. After the first session working with him, I was already able to see a radical change in Tigre's day-to-day life. I couldn't believe it. Tigre was more energetic, he now runs and developed his hunting cat instinct. Paulina was also able to see a problem with his kidneys and with some sessions, it was getting better and better. He recently had a vet checkup that resulted in being completely fine. I was so happy to hear that.

Gato had no health issues, but some emotional ones, and Paulina was able to explain to me how to reinforce that and it worked. One day, I received a call from Paulina because she had the intuition that something had happened. She was right again, Gato just had been bitten by a venomous snake. He had a very tough 2 weeks, but the sessions with Paulina helped so much. It also helped me connect more with Gato. He is still in recuperation, but I do not worry about his life anymore. He is almost back to a completely normal life.

Tkank you Paulina for your unconditional love for animals, your dedication, your incredible way to communicate with the subconscious and helping owners get to understand better their loved ones.

I will definitely stay in touch and use your services again!

Photo of Isabella & Whiskers

Isabella & Whiskers

I've always shared a special bond with Whiskers, my Persian cat. But off late, she'd been distant and agitated, avoiding her litter box and tearing up my drapes. Through Paulina's 'Bridging Hearts & Paws', I discovered that Whiskers was dealing with past traumas. Paulina's energy healing and tailored strategies transformed our relationship. Today, Whiskers is more vibrant, playful, and we share a deeper connection than ever.