Still image out of testimonial from Anthony La Rocca
Animated image out of testimonial from Anthony La Rocca

Anthony La Rocca

CRO Profits

Still image out of testimonial from Timothy Berger
Animated image out of testimonial from Timothy Berger

Timothy Berger

Photo of James Cooke

James Cooke

Director - Host Cookie

I found Zacs 'Sell While You Sleep' (SWYS) course informative, professional and actionable.

Although I purchased the whole bundle (lots to get through) I've been inspired and found new motivation to take mine and clients businesses in a new direction purely for the scaleability potential Zac shows you how to achieve.

Anyone can do this, providing they spend the time and effort to follow these tutorials. Everything is here to get you setup, profitable and start to scale.

I only wish I'd had this information earlier.

Thanks Zac.

Still image out of testimonial from Steven Black
Animated image out of testimonial from Steven Black

Steven Black

CEO - 7 Figure Amazon Seller

Jocelyne Devisser

JJ Cost Keeping Inc.

This program was gold. So much value for such a low price! I would recommend it to anyone that wants to start making money with their business on autopilot! (and while they sleep 😉)

Linda Hart

I'm in module 2 and want to send a note that this training is awesome!

I have many many courses but this is far more than some I paid thousands for!

Still image out of testimonial from Jeremy Jones
Animated image out of testimonial from Jeremy Jones

Jeremy Jones

CEO of Justice -

Still image out of testimonial from Sean Mysel
Animated image out of testimonial from Sean Mysel

Sean Mysel

Romain P

Zac onboarding process is very good, everything well organized.

Christopher Roberts

Founder & Managing Directo - SAFE Violence Prevention & Self Defence

What, if anything, made you hesitate before joining? Why did you feel that way?

I hesitated to join "another" program like this because I have spent considerable time and funds in programs that were little more than providing directions on writing sales copy, building funnels, designing offers, etc.

The fact I was able to get a one-on-one chat quickly was important. I have had other programs where there were opportunities for one on one chats, but they had so many members it was often 3 to 4 weeks before I could chat with someone and cut off quickly once our session time ended. I like working in smaller groups like this and getting answers handled much more quickly.

I also appreciated how you were happy to extend some of the meetings to have all questions answered.

The amount of time given to my sales copy was more detailed than expected. We made considerable changes more than a few times but was never made to feel like I was hassling anyone.

I would recommend this program to anyone who has little experience to a considerable amount. Not only is the program an excellent learning experience, but the help to date with implementation has been critical.

My only suggestion is to keep the standards like this. As you get busier, please do not lose the personal detail, whether that means keeping the group size manageable or hiring some of your staff to be assigned as project managers for a smaller group.

Janice Weir-Germia


I have found it easier to start navigating my business goals and moving forward.

Looking forward to continuing to work with Effortless Scale to Build and Grow my brand: I Decided to Live - No More Excuses. You are part of that. Thank you.

Shawn Bayley

I was a little concerned that the price was an indicator that the program wasn't high quality. Boy was I wrong!

It is insane value for the price and the bonuses alone could be sold for 100X the price.

I implemented one of the strategies from the bonuses and got replies back from my list almost immediately.

If you're hesitating, then please know you will be incredibly pleased with what you get from Zac.

Still image out of testimonial from Margaret Powell
Animated image out of testimonial from Margaret Powell

Margaret Powell

Fueled & Free Nutrition

Rosemarie Moodley

The Art of Being Human

I was really grateful to come across this swys micro offer programme because I have minimal cash but really needed some advice on how to get my offer together. The information in this course has helped me massively to take the next step. I have a much better grasp of what I need to do and I am busy doing it. Watch this space...
Swys delivered what I needed and I am beyond grateful to have found something that I could afford. Thank you.

Photo of Petra Ć ranc

Petra Ć ranc

CEO - Big Income Paradise

I was skeptical about getting the Sell While You Sleep because of the price. It was very inexpensive and I thought "This is probably not going to be good."

But also because it was so inexpensive I decided to get it because it looked like it has a ton of value.

When I received it, I was blown away! The knowledge inside is so simple, yet powerful. I especially loved where Zac talks about why it's not so smart to build your email list with freebies.

He's right - you'll mostly get freebie seekers who won't buy anything. That's exactly what I was experiencing.

So now I know exactly what I need to change and how - and I already took action. I just wanted to test something out and made a sale in just a couple of hours.

Now that I know this words, I'm changing my whole business plan!

So if anyone is on the fence about buying Sell While You Sleep - DO IT if you want to get results!

And to Zac - hanks for all the amazing value!

Photo of Dave Stevens

Dave Stevens

Owner - RealPeople.Fit

I've worked with a lot of different coaches and gone through a lot of programs over the past 10 years attempting to scale our online fitness business. None of them presented the clarity and ease of this one. We always tell our clients that our programs are simple, easy and effective. I believe you have created exactly that. Especially combined with your software recommendation. Wow, what an amazing program. We launch our first micro offer tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for putting together an explosive program and teaching us about micro offers by selling us one. What an amazing model. It's a lesson in itself.

Charles Miles

I just started with one of Zac’s micro offers “Sell While You Sleep”, and I barely got started and realized he has a full blown marketing platform that replaces EVERYTHING you’re already using and then some. I can’t believe it.

I didn’t even come here for software (but I’ve been looking for something that “has it all” but won’t break the bank for us lonely and almost broke startups - AZFunnels is it! Can’t wait to test drive it and use it with what I’m already working on - and I haven’t even got to the course material for creating your profitable micro offer yet đŸ€Ż

Zac’s laid-back and to the point teaching style is excellent, no fluff, and genuinely wants you to succeed - hard to come by in the sometimes scammy marketing industry.

Thank you Zac and team, can’t wait to get rolling with it all đŸ™đŸ»

Josh Yoder

There is so much value packed inside the the Sell While You Sleep workshop that it's easily worth 10X-100X the price of admission.

I was skeptical at the low, entry price, but it hooked me right away (which is the purpose of the course and he shows you how to do the same thing with your audience)

Inside, Zac takes you step-by-step, walking you through everything you need to make your own micro-offer that grows a list of buyers and lifetime customers, not just tire-kickers and freebie-seekers.

This is the new way (and the right way) to grow an email list. You won't be sorry. If you don't buy it today you'll be that much further behind tomorrow.

Still image out of testimonial from Anton Amoto
Animated image out of testimonial from Anton Amoto

Anton Amoto

Digital Marketer -


Health Coach - Bodyvitacoach

Extremely pleased with the sell while you sleep program, truly opened my eyes to aspects, I couldn't and didn't think before. Thankful to Zac in creating this easy to understand and apply type of course.

Still image out of testimonial from Peter @ Tech Your Business
Animated image out of testimonial from Peter @ Tech Your Business

Peter @ Tech Your Business

Target ICT Ltd

Still image out of testimonial from Tad Stephens
Animated image out of testimonial from Tad Stephens

Tad Stephens

Director - Micro Successful

Sharon Mitchell

Zac definitely over-delivers on this product. The course is cheap to buy, but the price does not reflect the quality of the content. This course has lots of quality information and definitely worth buying, you'll be glad you did.

Johan Fourie

I can't believe how much value I'm getting from this course. Just the $3 course alone is packed with a lot more than what you get for $300 - $500 courses. The modules are broken up into easy steps so you don't get overwhelmed, especially if you are new to funnel and course building. I can't wait to get my program completed now that I finally know what to do.

Photo of Yasmin Birk

Yasmin Birk

Knigge-Trainerin - Businessknigge online

Ich habe mich fĂŒr das Programm entschieden, weil ich mich von Zac angesprochen gefĂŒhlt habe. Ich bin Expertin fĂŒr Business-Etikette und möchte Online-Kurse verkaufen.

Seit einiger Zeit versuche ich, meine Online-Produkte zu verkaufen - mit mĂ€ĂŸigem Erfolg. In diesem Programm erklĂ€rt Zac die Dinge so einfach und auch humorvoll. Er gibt RatschlĂ€ge und sagt nicht "Du musst" oder "Du darfst nicht", sondern er erklĂ€rt ganz einfach, warum und wieso er es so vorschlĂ€gt.

Auch diese ganzen GlaubenssĂ€tze "Du brauchst den idealen Kunden" und "werde ganz speziell in Deiner Nische" haben mich eher gebremst als beflĂŒgelt. Zac hat mich darin bestĂ€rkt, dass das alles gar nicht so wichtig ist. Nun bin ich total motiviert und werde in KĂŒrze meinen bereits vorhandenen Turbo-Kurs "Telefonische Beschwerden mit Leichtigkeit meistern" launchen, nachdem ich ihn noch einmal ĂŒberarbeitet habe.

Still image out of testimonial from Jocelyn Devisser
Animated image out of testimonial from Jocelyn Devisser

Jocelyn Devisser

Business Finance Educator & Productivity Expert for Solopreneurs - JJ Cost Keeping Inc

Paul Anthu

Effortless Scale has been an incredible resource for my business. The information provided was easy to follow and straightforward, making it simple to apply to my own business practices. The support I received was helpful and the lessons were particularly useful in helping me grow and scale my business. I found every aspect of the product to be well-explained and beneficial. I would highly recommend Effortless Scale to others looking to take their business to the next level. Overall, my experience with Effortless Scale has been nothing short of exceptional.

Ken F

You did a great job laying out the process I’m an easy to understand format. I felt like I can take measurable steps tk move forward.

Obviously the biggest question after doing all this is how do we get people to buy and what’s the easiest way to get it all set up. You guys have an offer for this. It would be great if you have some options on other things as well.

Jack Z

I was hesitant at first as the idea of sell while you sleep seemed a little overblown. After reading the description I thought it was well organized and had the information I needed, although, for the low price I did not expect much.
I was very pleasantly surprised.
Zac's course was thorough, his speaking style is easy to listen and the information is exactly what I was looking for.
I am getting ready to launch my offer tomorrow and can't wait to see the results!

Still image out of testimonial from Gary V Carter
Animated image out of testimonial from Gary V Carter

Gary V Carter

President - Kainos Enterprises

Timothy Berger

It has been an absolute pleasure learning from Zac via Sell While You Sleep.

I've both enjoyed the content and his demeanor.

He is relaxed and speaks with authority and conviction and that makes such a huge difference for me when learning.

The education is on point and I'm excited to keep learning from him.

Keep up the good work Zac, you're doing great things!

Photo of Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Spiritual Coach

I'm having an amazing experience getting up to speed on what good ads, nay, good business ownership and practice are all about. While I was initially wary of the claims made by SWYS ads because of trauma from working with companies that didn't know what they were doing, I was delighted to discover the wealth of wisdom every output in SWYS, the Effortless Scale library, and Zac Hansen and team. The entire {Effortless Scale} ecosystem is crafted superbly and supports everyone on their unique paths at the right levels with offerings for anyone at any stage of business development. The growing level of clarity I gained from each of the modules is amazing; it cuts through the BS that other companies have spouted and cluttered the ad space with. For instance, I was most recently blown away by the concept of how to ascend buyers into premium offers! The school of hard knocks certainly didn't teach that.
To anyone still on the fence about joining, please put all cares aside and come in with an open mind and heart. Let the advertising and sales expertise within Effortless Scale show you the way to your making the most impact and profit as you serve the people who need you and your product so badly.

Still image out of testimonial from Richard Greenwood
Animated image out of testimonial from Richard Greenwood

Richard Greenwood

Senior Writer - Swerve Creative

Cathy Topping

Your Web Toolkit

I signed up to Sell While You Sleep from a FB ad, thinking it would be another mini-training I'd skim through, grab a few nuggets and then never look at again.

However, since then I've been drawn more and more into Zac's world, as he's not just pumping out a course...he's creating a community.

I've since signed up to AZ Funnels, have purchased the Evergreen ads course, and am ready to start scaling things up using Zac's processes, support and tools.

For the first time, I actually feel confident that I've got everything I need to take things to the next level.

It's so refreshing to be part of something that is clearly about supporting and helping us in this community, and also that it actually works!


I'm only half way through, as my mind is buzzing with ideas and I don't want to lose them.

I love that you demonstrate the power of a micro offer by offering a micro offer.

Liz Hazelmyer

Celestial Services

I just started the course. I learned things I didn't even know. What I am seeing so far is the real deal. For $3, you cannot lose. I haven't gone through it yet, so I cannot say if it will work or not. However, the learning is definitely worth it.