Vivienne Campbell
I taught two classes in the ART OF HANDMADE SUMMIT run by Hobbyscool. I really enjoyed the summit. The theme appealed to a lot of my audience so many of them signed up for a ticket. The summit helped me to bring my subject to a new audience that I wouldn't have reached (or even thought of reaching) otherwise. The event worked well. Pre-event: was very organised and clear. The Hobbyscool team were very good-natured and pleasant to deal with and always able to answer any questions. Promoting the summit: I really liked that I had the freedom to write about the upcoming event in a way that would be appealing to my audience. I didn't feel under pressure from the Hobbyscool team to be 'salesy' or pushy (I wouldn't have agree to participate in the summit if it had been like that). I really enjoyed the whole event, and it made me take videos, lessons, writing etc. that I already had and present them in a way that opened it up to being of use to different disciplines. This was really useful, and I have a lot to follow up after the event. I thought the other tutors were of a very high standard and I really enjoyed the presentations that I watched. I was happy to be part of this group.