
Richard Matthews

Owner - PushButtonPodcasts

I just joined the membership less than a week ago. Started implementing hard-core (many overnighters were had) and have in less than one week… gotten our MVC setup on our most important service delivery workflow.

Results so far:

-$250/month in software costs removed from my business ($3,000/year)
-Significant improvement into the visibility of every task in our workflows
-Significant improvement with the communication about tasks (The decision trees mind maps were super helpful for making sure things were in the right place and can make smart use of dependencies and communication features)
-Significant improvement in quality of output because of the above two items.
-About 3 weeks ago I lost my project manager who was overseeing our old workflow in Trello/Zapier. Because of that our service delivery was a week behind. Now our service delivery is 1 week ahead (in less than a week on using the new process in click!). And because of how well structured everything is and how well it works… a project manager is no longer needed to manage the process. That’s a $20K/year minimum in labor cost saved.
-Our clients are super excited about the dramatic speed improvements, as am I… and I am now comfortable scaling up… where I was uncomfortable scaling up before because the process wouldn’t have been easy to manage at scale.

So I guess this is less of an intro about my business and more of a Thank You for Layla and Process Driven for the great material you have put together.

Introduction: I’m Richard Matthews. Father of 4. Wife to 1. Full-Time Traveler (5 years this month). I own one business completely that’s PushButtonPodcasts. And I have partial ownership of two other companies. Firefly Fuels (a candle and fuel e-commerce company that does about 2 mil/year) and Modern Yoga Teacher (a yoga business coaching company that is about the same size). Working on taking my company to 1 Mil/year and the other 2 to 10Mil/year. The other two companies are next on my list for getting them to be more process driven.

[....] The Process Driven methodology just took our machine from being a trusty Toyota to a bad-ass BMW M3. Thanks so much! I look forward to being a part of this community.

BTW – that’s a measurable 76x ROI over this year within a week of implementing what I’ve learned in Process Driven… assuming I change nothing in my business from this point onward.

But you know it’s gonna be even better as I get more processes built and use them to scale our company.