Marge and I met at DePaul, both aspiring singers, wanting to" make a difference" somehow with our music. We sang together in "The Operatunists", opera satire (Yes, opera is funny), and Gram Crackers, a singing telegram company. (Marge was the Opera-Diva Gram. )After our children were born, Marge decided to go another way with her music...and created Harmony, Hope and Healing. Brava! I went on in Music Theater. Marge was a lay Franciscan, and decided she could better incorporate her love of Christ with her love of humanity...brilliantly. My husband, Richard, and I worked with HHH for many years...he was treasurer...I, secretary..on the board for years. What a joyful time it was...Love and Music...changing the lives of sooooo many through the loving joyful music!!! What a gift to us all was "Saint Marge" blessed to know and work with her for over 40 years...and share the wonders of her fabulous sons and family...and her wonderful husband, Ed. Continue to Fill the Heavens with your joyful music...
dearest friend, artist , and inspiration!LaTanya Simpson
I had the pleasure of knowing Marge through more than one outlet. Of course I first met her when attending A Day of Reflection at 703 W Monroe. That was through a recovery home I was in. Just before graduating and leaving that recovery home, I landed a job at 703 W Monroe which was the headquarters that housed Harmony Hope & Healing! I was able to see Marge almost daily and loved her dearly. Always smiling bright and warm, oh so warm and such an inviting spirit. She always stopped to talk to me and catch up on my latest. I will always remember her warm embrace and smile.
Laura Jansen
I knew Marge when HHH was a grantee of the Pierce Family Foundation. She took advantage of every workshop and capacity building that we offered. She wanted to learn, and she wanted to make HHH stronger. I always enjoyed talking to Marge; she was a generous and kind-hearted person.
Laura Spizzirri
I encountered Marge a couple times a year for some years while arranging for HHH to sing at the Margaret’s Village luncheon at the Beverly County Club, which always amazed and delighted the crowd. Also, the Christmas concerts at Margaret’s Village, were powerful, glorious experiences. Knowing Marge was the closest I could imagine to knowing a saint. She was pure radiant goodness… in action. She drew us all in, with her enthusiasm and joy, to a vision of seeing the inner beauty of every single one of us. She made us see what is possible when we commit to a dream. She didn’t let us give up on the promise…pursuing it was the point of it. We’re all so much enlightened, so much raised up, so much better, and grateful… for having known her.
What can I say about Marge? Marge was very truly a saintly woman! A holy one of God! I am so grateful to have known Marge through my son's time with Harmony, Hope and Healing when he was in Grad School and through the Community of Saint Hildegard where I know she found a home. May she "rest " among angel choirs and find peace in heaven's gardens. And, May she meet Hildegard along the path.
Kate DeVries
Marge was a woman of great faith, vision, talent, and generosity. She was a master at creating "win/win" situations, while always making those around her feel fully alive, deeply loved, and warmly embraced. Harmony, Hope & Healing has inspired choir members and audiences alike, and truly transformed lives. Marge - thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us through the power of music and strong leadership. Blessings upon Harmony, Hope and Healing, and all whose lives will be impacted by continuing the mission/ministry Marge created.
Steve and Kathy Pattengale
Marge was a beacon of light and love for her family, friends, and community. She lived a joyful life in service to others.
John E. Dornbos
Marge Nykaza was one of my best friends my many years in Chicago. I was there when she founded Harmony, Hope and Healing. This past week I was in Knock, Ireland, singing, "Golden Rose Queen of Ireland," and thinking of Marge. I wasn't able to tell her, but I can tell you people that carry on, what a gift she was and the gift she knew you are. Blessings and prayers.
Brother JohnJennifer miller
I am so sad to hear this news. Marge embodied everything good about human beings. She was full of “harmony” “hope” and “healing.” I first met her after a memorial services for people who had died while living on the streets. Despite being on the “front lines” she was the epitome of grace and compassion. I admired her from the start. With her vision it allowed me to break through the barrier of my not feeling like I could ever be part of a choir. What a thrill it was to be able to sing. Sing to heal myself and sing and bring joy and healing to others. Marge was a mentor and someone who I admired deeply. Her light will be missed. I left the choir when I moved away, but found another choir (Shades of Praise) and I never would have joined that choir if I hadn’t discovered Marge and HHH. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Jacqueline C. Hayes
Unbeknowst to us, Marge and I founded our respective organizations around the same time. However, when we learned of each other's mission, we were able to collaborate and bring harmony, hope and healing to the homeless and disadvantaged population of Chicago. In adfdition to collaborating, we spent time together socially and shared our respective life's experiences. The collaboration between Harmony Hope and Healing and The Chicago Help Initiative continues to today and now ,with Marge's passing , that relationship means even more to me.
Marge will be sorely missed but her legacy will live on.Sr. Marybeth Martin
I was touched numerous times by the music of Harmony, Hope & Healing and I loved watching how energetically Marge led the group and how the group members carried on that enthusiasm. I also had the privilege of being a part of a workshop Marge led for spiritual directors. She helped us take in the music, use our bodies to pray and come together in a healing way as a group. Thank you to Marge for the gift of your life.